Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I feel total despair right now. I am desperate for these fosters to find their own wonderful forever homes. Fostering is supposed to be a temporary situation, and some of these fosters have been not-so temporary fixtures here. My heart is breaking because we have so many it is such an undertaking just to feed, water, and provide basic care for them. They deserve so much more in the way of attention, training, and TLC. They deserve their own loving family where they can be the sole focus. I just feel completely burned out. We have had Stan for going on two years, Camilla for nine months, the two puppies for six months, and Freddie for several months. Now we have Tyler, who has special needs and is a work in progress, as well as Geneva - who knows how long we will have her. She is small and easy, so hopefully someone will snatch her up. Not to mention Hank, who we are babysitting for far longer than anticipated. He's easy too, but he IS another very large dog in the house.

I just can't see the light at the end of the tunnel for these dogs, and it makes me very very sad right now...

Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Latest Casualty

On Friday the 13th our beloved new leather couch fell victim to Miss Camilla's teeth. Now, we have probably lost hundreds if not thousands of dollars worth of items to the dogs' chewing, and I'm *mostly* to the point where it doesn't bother me anymore. It's part of life with the pack. BUT this destruction was just downright depressing. Sigh.

On this day Stanford also ripped the mattress and box spring in the guest room. Spectre also decided it was time to start pulling up the tiles again and munching on them for a snack. I keep telling myself that "they're just things, they're just things".

Friday, August 6, 2010

101 Posts!

Wow, I didn't realize I had written this many posts until I just logged in, and it said '100 posts on August 5'. How cool. To celebrate - some new doggy pictures!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Geneva AKA "Monkey"

Mason & Geneva

We found this darling little girl limping down Eisenhower Road three weeks ago. We have since found out that she was once adopted out through the Universal City shelter. The lady who adopted her gave her away to an Air Force family; they left her behind when they PCSed to Germany. So she has had at least three homes; I think it's more like four or five. When she came in to the UC shelter she was already spayed. She is now a SNIPSA dog and living happily with us until she finds her forever home. She is approximately 3-4 years old, spayed, vaccinated, and microchipped. She loves people and other dogs and was easily crate trained. If you are interested in this little girl please contact me!

August Update

Well, Big Fix 6 was a smashing success. I think our team altered, vaccinated, and microchipped over 175 animals that day. It was horribly hot and humid, but so worth it.

Speaking of horribly hot and humid, that's exactly how I would describe the indoor adoption event in July. It actually felt like a sauna, and it made both the dogs and the humans miserable. You actually had to go OUTSIDE to cool off. Not ok.

Fosters available for adoption right now: Camilla, Eduardo, Clara, Freddie, Stanford, Geneva, and Tyler.

Sadly, Tyler's home fell through and even more sad - he tested positive for heartworms tonight. Also, several of the dogs have a cough that seems to be pretty contagious. Sigh. Kinda feels like our dog world is caving in on us right now. We'll get through it, though. We always do.