It's been awhile.
It's not that I haven't had time. Well, I really don't have time, but like I've said before I make time for blogging. It's hard enough trying to organize all the thoughts in my head right now, let alone get them out and on paper so to speak.
Anyhow, where did I leave off here? Well, the end of January saw another Big Fix. We fixed 224 animals this time -- an all-time record for us. I was at intake/discharge as usual with my trusty companions, A and T. What would I do without them? So that was January 29.
The pups and I had a snow day on February 4! The whole town shut down - roads, businesses, everything. I didn't have to go to work - yay! We had about an inch of snow in our backyard, and the dogs played in snow for the first time. It was too cute. Pretty sure we just cuddled on the couch all day.

Snow in Texas!
In other news, my husband got orders to...Hawaii. Nothing we ever expected or planned for. In fact, we thought it was out of the question for him. Apparently not. Anyway, I'm getting the dogs ready for the adventure of their lives. Everyone needs two rabies certificates, a working microchip, a rabies test, and a health certificate. This will be quite a time-consuming and costly process. But they're worth it, of course!
I was bitten pretty badly on Valentine's Day. Not by love, but by a dog while breaking up a big fight outside in the morning. I don't even know who bit me, but all the dogs were ok. There's no nerve damage and no infection, just really gnarly bruising. It looks awful. I called in sick that day, because it was so painful to walk.

Tyler has been pretty ill this week. His appetite is back now, and he's holding his food down. He never had a fever, so I'm not sure what was going on.
Benny is up for adoption and waiting for his forever home. I think Eddie, Clara, and Geneva are going to Hawaii. Suzy is waiting for her forever home; she is with a new foster now, and they love her to bits. Freddie is officially official in his new home. Tyler and Stan should be going to their forever homes in the next month or two.

Ben Rufflisberger AKA "Benny"
Wow, a lot happens in the space of a month...!