Monday, February 28, 2011

Just Like a (Three-Ring) Circus

I have today off. YAY! I think all weekends should be three days long. It is just enough time to relax, recharge, and catch up on everything - especially errands that can only be done during business hours...grrr.

So I found out early this morning that a veterinarian we personally know was willing to help me get things in order for the dogs to go to Hawaii. I let everyone out, gave everyone breakfast, got myself ready, got Colby and Spec ready, got some documents prepped, and I was out the door by nine.

Spectre & Colby Jack in the waiting room today.

After a quick stop at FedEx, an hour at the vet, and another stop at FedEx, Colby and Spec have their Rabies tests taken care of. Hooray! Two down, five to go! :P It was a little nerve-wracking to send it off - these things take a lot of time and money - but it feels good to know what to do now. Thank goodness for the generosity of Dr. A!

Silk Spectre on the way home - such a good girl.

I still have to go to the post office to send a package off to Adam and stop at the grocery store. I have a dentist appointment and oil change tomorrow morning, then I'm off to work for the week. My sister comes on Saturday. :)

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Oh, Hi!

What a week.

The day I posted the 'burnout' post I had the worst dog fight ever here at the house. It seemed to come out of nowhere. Although the two dogs involved were both probably ill at the time of the fight, so that could have contributed to it. It was a 10-15 minute fight, and I think it really traumatized both of the dogs as well as me. I won't go into more detail, but the dogs are both fine and I am ok too.

I have a three-day weekend, so I am getting lots of things done - cleaning, errands, phone calls, emails, appointments, etc. On the weekends I like to do my daily chores, weekly chores, and some decluttering projects to get ready for moving. So far I've gone through the master closet, dressers, armoire, bathroom drawers and cupboards, the junk drawer, ALL of our papers/paperwork/filing, and the dog records. I think that's far. I still need to go through three closets, the kitchen, den, laundry room, and the garage. We have so much junk.

My sister is coming to visit me for a week. Yay - I'm so excited!! I am also working the morning shift of the next Big Fix the day she flies in. I'm ready to relax and have some fun, since I'm stuck here and can't really go anywhere. My fun is coming to me!

Still busy getting everything in order for the doggies to go to Hawaii. The vet at Lackland is TDY for several weeks, so I had to try and get appointments at Ft. Sam which has proven to be a total nightmare and next to impossible. I think we are going to work with a different vet we know to get some of it done.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I'm starting to feel some burnout after being the solo captain at the helm for over three months. It's feeling like groundhog's day - wake up, let 12 dogs out, feed 12 dogs, work all day, let 12 dogs out, feed 12 dogs, try to get stuff done, let 12 dogs out, go to bed. Meh. Thank god my sister is coming to visit me. I'll have some time off to enjoy myself and enjoy her company.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

My Paper Project

Just spend about 90 minutes sorting and organizing paperwork ie tax documents, receipts, warranties & manuals, etc. It is now organized neatly into two filing systems. It feels great to get these small projects done; it gives me motivation to do even more!

The Darling Buds of May...Er, February

There are little shoots of bright green grass in my backyard - Spring's promise of a new beginning. It has been sunny and seventy lately; I kind of hope for at least one more cold snap. These miserable six-month long Texas summers are too much for me.

Yesterday I did my daily chores plus I decluttered for an hour. Purging things from drawers, cupboards, and closets will make for a smoother move and a fresh start. It feels so good to get rid of physical clutter. Where there's physical clutter there's mental clutter. If you're a mess as a person your home will likely be a mess.

On the agenda for today is more chores and decluttering. Love my time to myself on the weekends. Onward and upward!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Yes, I'm alive!

It's been awhile.

It's not that I haven't had time. Well, I really don't have time, but like I've said before I make time for blogging. It's hard enough trying to organize all the thoughts in my head right now, let alone get them out and on paper so to speak.

Anyhow, where did I leave off here? Well, the end of January saw another Big Fix. We fixed 224 animals this time -- an all-time record for us. I was at intake/discharge as usual with my trusty companions, A and T. What would I do without them? So that was January 29.

The pups and I had a snow day on February 4! The whole town shut down - roads, businesses, everything. I didn't have to go to work - yay! We had about an inch of snow in our backyard, and the dogs played in snow for the first time. It was too cute. Pretty sure we just cuddled on the couch all day.

Snow in Texas!

In other news, my husband got orders to...Hawaii. Nothing we ever expected or planned for. In fact, we thought it was out of the question for him. Apparently not. Anyway, I'm getting the dogs ready for the adventure of their lives. Everyone needs two rabies certificates, a working microchip, a rabies test, and a health certificate. This will be quite a time-consuming and costly process. But they're worth it, of course!

I was bitten pretty badly on Valentine's Day. Not by love, but by a dog while breaking up a big fight outside in the morning. I don't even know who bit me, but all the dogs were ok. There's no nerve damage and no infection, just really gnarly bruising. It looks awful. I called in sick that day, because it was so painful to walk.


Tyler has been pretty ill this week. His appetite is back now, and he's holding his food down. He never had a fever, so I'm not sure what was going on.

Benny is up for adoption and waiting for his forever home. I think Eddie, Clara, and Geneva are going to Hawaii. Suzy is waiting for her forever home; she is with a new foster now, and they love her to bits. Freddie is officially official in his new home. Tyler and Stan should be going to their forever homes in the next month or two.

Ben Rufflisberger AKA "Benny"

Wow, a lot happens in the space of a month...!