You’ve had a hard life,
And it’ll be shorter than it should.
You’ve never been loved the way you deserve,
And if I could make it up to you, I would.
Your life is priceless and precious,
And deserved to be treated as such.
Yet those charged with your care,
Felt this requirement was too much.
You have reached the end of your road
Without every finding love and joy on the way.
I don’t have the words to make up for this,
I wish there was more I could say.
I have just minutes to make up for years of neglect;
Countless abuses I’d like to correct.
Since I can’t turn back the hands of time,
I’ll use these few minutes to love you like mine.
So crawl in my lap, close your eyes, make a nest.
There’s nothing left to fear – it’s time for you to rest.
The hard times are over, you’ll feel no more pain.
Now you’re my dog, and forever you’ll remain.
My eyes are filled with tears, for you I am crying.
They’re tears of joy, though, not because you are dying.
After all of these years, all you’ve been through,
You allow me to love you; and you love me too.
Goodnight, my sweet friend,
Know these tears are for you.
Every dog deserves to be loved enough to make someone cry;
This is the least I can do.
4 months ago